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In today’s veterinary online continuing education blog, we interview VETgirl’s COO Dr. Garret Pachtinger on some recent veterinary literature about the accuracy of canine pancreatitis tests such as SNAP and Spec canine pancreatic lipase tests. What tests should you use, and what has shown to be the most effective? Should we be using these tests in every dog that presents for vomiting (No.). Tune in to VETgirl to learn how to diagnose pancreatitis… especially if you don’t have abdominal ultrasound readily available! 


1. Haworth MD, Hosgood G, Swindells KL, et al. Diagnostic accuracy of the SNAP and Spec canine pancreatic lipase tests for pancreatitis in dogs presenting with clinical signs of acute abdominal disease.  J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2014;24(2):135-143.

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