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In this VetGirl podcast, Dr. Chris Byers, DACVIM, DACVECC reviews what IRIS scoring is. IRIS is an acronym for International Renal Interest Society, and allows us to potentially prognosticate renal disease based on specific scoring criteria (e.g., creatinine, proteinuria, etc.). Will this affect your chronic kidney failure patients? Check out this VetGirl podcast to find out!

  1. Nice summary and I loved the IRIS and Scoring Criteria links (highlighted in blue) I can click on while I’m listening.

  2. Good summary but it didn’t answer the main question I have: I’m old school and have a hard time understanding why we can say an animal is IRIS stage 1 when the creatinine is within the established normal range.

    • Sorry – Ignore my comment. After I looked at the more detailed IRIS staging system scoring criteria, I see that they need to have other renal parameters along with a high normal Creatinine to be stage 1. That makes sense.

      • Don’t worry – we’re old school too and it took us a while to transition to scoring these guys! 🙂

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