
Clinical Excellence & Parenting Perfection: How Paid Parental Leave and Work-Life Balance Supports the Career You Always Wanted With Drs. Crystal Lora and Casey Robinson | VETgirl Veterinary Continuing Education Podcasts

June 2024

In this VETgirl veterinary continuing education podcast, we interview Dr. Crystal Lora and Dr. Casey Robinson at IndeVets on paid parental leave. Ever wonder if you can ever really have the work-life balance (let alone the time and energy) to have children AND build a meaningful career in vet med? Let’s face it, the nature of being a vet is that we encounter physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing things every day. Not to mention the hours. The Very. Long. Hours. How do you reconcile that with the time and energy needed to build a family without sacrificing one, or the other? Add in the quite frankly unacceptable inconsistency of paid parental leave in the veterinary industry and there is a perfect storm vets must work against to be both present parent and achieve vet success. Join us as we explore the importance of building your career in the right place, alongside the right people – people who are working to pave a better way for the vet industry to parent. Because when you choose your career path, it should be alongside people and a company that supports you not only professionally, but also personally.


Today’s VETgirl podcast is sponsored by IndeVets. Think pursuing a vet career means abandoning your family dreams? Or doing both and burning out? Being a parent is sometimes hard, your career should not make it harder. And when you consider that the only federal statute regarding parental leave, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), is received by only 10% of associate veterinarians – well a fresh perspective is definitely overdue. Now, across the country, IndeVets are trading burnout for balance, with the benefits to back it up. Listen to two vets’ perspectives on how IndeVets helped them love their careers again because it was no longer about choosing between personal and professional, the best of both worlds can come true. Want to know more? Sign up for the IndeVets webinar at indevets.com/webinar and learn how you too can start loving your job again.

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