
What’s new with parvovirus with Dr. Kristen Zersen, DACVECC | VETgirl Veterinary Continuing Education Podcasts

In this VETgirl podcast, we talk to Dr. Kristen Zersen, DACVECC, Assistant Professor from Colorado State University on canine parvovirus. Tune in to learn how common this infectious disease is, why we still see it, what the prognosis is, and what the mainstays of current canine parvovirus treatment are. More importantly, learn about the newest advancement, Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody (CPMA), for the treatment of parvovirus? Tune in to learn it with this VETgirl podcast!

Today’s VETgirl podcast is sponsored by Elanco. A global animal health leader, we rigorously innovate to improve the health of animals, benefit our customers, support our causes and strengthen our communities. We are excited about bringing new solutions to pet owners, veterinarians and the animals we all love. Our latest achievement is a revolutionary monoclonal antibody treatment for canine parvovirus, empowering veterinarians to fight this deadly disease and improve outcomes for their puppy patients.

Please note: Dr. Zersen has been compensated for her participation in this podcast.

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