
How to Deliver Feedback That Makes a Difference by Randy Hall | VETgirl Veterinary Continuing Education Videos

In this VETgirl online veterinary continuing education videoRandy Hall, a consultant and leadership expert who helps veterinary practices, discusses one of the most challenging things we do in veterinary hospitals: giving people information about what they could do differently or what they might need to change to be more successful.

Yet our opinion as we’re giving feedback to someone is far less impactful for them than their own thoughts about what they might try next. We want these things to align, but that’s not always the case.

To deliver feedback that makes a difference, we can approach it in three steps:

  1. Getting the recipient to opt in
  2. Making observations instead of using labels
  3. Getting the recipient involved in the conversation

Remember, feedback shouldn’t just be negative. It’s important to recognize when your team members are doing things well or putting in great effort. Think about balancing your feedback and focus on what they’re headed toward, then you’ll be building a stronger team.

Learn more about how feedback can make a difference in your practice  at You’ll find comprehensive on-demand courses, dozens of videos and more, built exclusively for veterinary pros.

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