
How to do a TPR (Temperature, Pulse Rate, Respiratory Rate) on a Dog | VETgirl Veterinary Continuing Education Videos

In this VETgirl online veterinary continuing education video, Amy Johnson, BS, LVT, RLATG, CVJ, VETgirl’s Manager of Content Development and Michaela Witcher, MS, CVT review how to do a TPR (temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate) or TRP (temperature, respiratory rate, pulse rate) on a dog. Collecting vitals an important technique that must be mastered by CSR, vet assistants, triage, and veterinary technicians, as it is done several dozen times a day! Tune in to see what supplies are needed, what order the vitals should be taken in, and how to do each step, including the weight, mucous membrane color, and capillary refill time (CRT).

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