
How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Veterinary Medicine | VETgirl Veterinary Continuing Education Podcasts

November 2023

In this VETgirl veterinary continuing education podcast, we interview Dr. Samantha Cantor and Dave Shuey, LMSW, DMA on how to set healthy boundaries in veterinary medicine. As veterinary professionals, we often fail at this, resulting in poor work-life balance. Setting healthy boundaries figures prominently in the list of often-prescribed self-care practices. Veterinarians, with their compulsive desire to heal that crosses multiple species, are uniquely prone to not only losing control of what they let in or keep out of their lives, but also to the deeper loss of any sense of “lines of distinction” between their individual needs and their perceived obligations. It turns out that boundaries describe a dynamic system of “Yes” and “No”, of “In” and “Out”, and how one relates to it has a deep effect on a person’s sense of worth and self-preservation. Tune in to learn some important talk about drawing lines of love that benefit ourselves and our veterinary profession.

Today’s VETgirl podcast is sponsored by IndeVets. Crazy hours. Office politics. Piles of debt. No support. We hear this all the time in vet med. Now, in hospitals nationwide, IndeVets are trading burnout for better ways to work with guaranteed paychecks, full benefits, total schedule control and the support of a nationwide network of clinicians. Learn more about becoming an Associate Relief Vet with IndeVets by signing up for their webinar at indevets.com/webinar and start loving your job again.

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This VETgirl online veterinary continuing education podcast is sponsored by IndeVets. Please note the opinions in this podcast are the expressed opinion of the speaker(s)/sponsor, and not directly endorsed by VETgirl.

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